Hifi Cartridge

Standard Cell Tones

ARTICLE N° 13450
  • High fidelity in restitution 20 25 000 Hz stamps
  • Excellent price / quality ratio
  • Cell type "Optimum match"
  • Effective mass of the reduced peak reading
  • Removable flyweight
  • Standard Mounting System 1/2
Ortofon world leader in the reading cell offers a wide range of HiFi models
professional and suitable for all classes of users. DJs will find
in particular cells designed according to the specific constraints
the disco or on stage use, and designed new cells
as recommended by Q. Bert.
Type of set
 Cell + Diamond
 Standard ½"
 Single unit
A cell, what is it?
It is an electro-mechanical assembly composed of a mobile assembly (all
and cantilever stylus) and a fixed part (pole pieces). He exists
two operating principles: moving magnet cells and those coils
mobile. In the latter, in contrast to the moving magnet principle, the
cantilever bearing a tiny oscillating winding according to the furrow between
magnets, creating the audio signal. The vast majority of cells used
by professionals (especially DJs) are of the "moving magnet" because
providing greater strength and allowing easy diamond exchange. The
moving coil cells are especially prized by audiophiles because they offer
Superior response linearity and extremely low distortion.
Why diamonds different profiles?
The theoretical profile of the stylus should be as close as possible to
the engraving chisel to follow the furrow in exactly the same way. The thing
is impossible because such advanced leave a vinyl chip behind it ...
Thus gave the stylus an elliptical profile approximating the
form of engraving chisel. The profile "Fine Line", developed by Ortofon increases
yet this similarity. An elliptical profile or Fine Line enables: better monitoring
finer undulations of the groove (corresponding to the finest sonic detail)
a reduction of the pinch effect. Their greater contact area
provides both a better reading and less wear of the flanks of the groove: the
cm2 pressure is lower with an elliptical tip or with a Fine Line
spherical tip.
In summary:
A spherical tip is especially suited to Scratch.
An elliptical tip universal show, adapted as well as the scratch playback of the songs.
The tip Fine Line and other sophisticated profiles are reserved for HiFi use.