Head office :
BP 30104 91123 Palaiseau Cédex

Publishing director:
Corporate name: Mega Sound Concept

Limited liability company capitalised at 250.000 euros

RCS Evry 414 841 502 | Siret T 414 841 502 000 43
Intra-community VAT number: FR65 414 841 502

Hosting Providors :

ALTERWAY HOSTING - Rue Royale, Bat D, 227 Bureaux de la Colline, 92210 Saint-Cloud

The products’ photos are not contractual; the product does not necessary include every element of the picture. Refer to the detailed product sheet for more information.

Copyright ©1997-2014 – - All rights reserved



Field of application

The present policy referring to personal data is set to inform the user about the way its personal information could eventually be collected and processed by the website.

CNIL formalities

The present website and the processing of personal data resultant are declared to the Computing and Liberties National Commission under the statement declaration number 1486648 v 0.

Data processing

The Company is likely to collect personal data. These data are set to be used according to the ends planned during the collect and are intended to use.

They are necessary to the processing and management of customers’ orders as well as commercial relationships between and the customer. They allow to propose personalised services to the client and improve the pertinence of the information which he is being offered.

This collect happens:

  • When the user creates an account.
  • When the user subscribes to newsletters or alerts offered by
  • When the user makes an order, a quote or a return demand on the website.
  • When the user participates to a game contest.
  • When the user navigates on the website and consults articles.
  • When the user writes a comment or an advice on an article.
  • When the user shares an advice with a friend through email from a product sheet.
  • When a user shares an advice through Facebook, Google +, Twitter form a product sheet.

The website will also be likely to use these data for legal or regulatory purposes.

Furthermore, the website might be led to collect personal data from the user for other purposes, but only with the consent of the website user.

In particular, the website could be led to collect, stock, and use the following information : name, email address, physical address, birth date and sometimes financial information, such as credit card numbers or bank account numbers; delivery information, billing or others; data resulting from your interaction with the website, contents and adverts, including information relative to your computer and connexion, stats on the displayed pages, navigation data, commercial data, your IP address, delivery incidents, claims.


The mandatory or facultative aspect of the data the website user might be asked to provide will be indicated on the collect forms by an asterisk.

The user should be aware of the consequences towards him in case of a lack of reply.

In any case, the website is committed to process the whole data according to the Law of January 6th, 1978. website user's rights

It is to mention that the person whose personal information are processed benefits from a right of access, correction and opposition to the processing of his information.

These rights can be exercised, according to the law of January, 6th 1978, as modified by the August, 6th 2004 by simple email demand at [email protected] or by post mail at BP 30104 91123 Palaiseau Cédex, justifying one’s identity and a legit motive as if demanded by the Law.

 Furthermore, the Website commits to preserve the collected data in a way allowing the identification of the concerned persons during a limited period that does not exceed the necessary time for which they are collected and processed.


Personal data transfer

The website could be led to communicate the website user personal data to companies or subcontractor uses for the executions of the orders and offered services (orders delivery, after sales service, satisfaction inquiries…).

Furthermore, the website reserves the right to transmit the user’s personal data in order to comply with legal obligations, and notably if it was under restraint by legal requisition.


The website uses cookies. The latter allow the user to remain authenticated on the website, to make orders on the website, to save the user’s display preferences. Cookies are erased after a certain time of inactivity.

The user can deactivate at any time the cookie utilisation by choosing the appropriate parameters on his browser. However, this deactivation will have the effect of blocking the access to some features of the website allowing the customisation of the services offered by

When the user navigates on the website, cookies of partnered companies can be placed on the user’s computer. These cookies have the purpose of identifying the articles consulted or purchased on the website in order to customise the advertisement offer which would be addressed to the user outside of the website.

As part of this advertisement partnership, may transmit data to the partner, concerning consulted articles by the user during his navigation on the website as well as the nature of its purchases.

The user can refuse those cookies at any moment by choosing the appropriate parameters in his browser. This denial will have the consequence to impede the access to certain features offered by partner companies.

Commercial Prospection 

The website enables you, when creating/modifying your account and/or when placing an order, to receive commercial offers and information through email, post mail, or SMS from

In any case, the user could let the website know that he does not want to receive any more offers of the kind, by sending his demand by email to [email protected] or by post mail at BP30104 91123 Palaiseau Cedex.



The website commits to take every useful precautions regarding the risks presented by the processing to ensure the safety of the data and notably impede it to be deformed, damaged, or that unauthorized outsiders could access it. The website commits in particular to respect the whole technical prescriptions to which processing must comply.

Updadated on 14/06/2017 par Matthieu