Accessories (Cases, Stands)

2 trays for installation of 2 L5-LTS (A) L SUB 4000, used to connect two masts M20 bolt to a subwoofer L SUB 4000 (A), to create a horizontal L5 LTS cluster with an optimum positioning and acoustically homogeneous speaker.

ARTICLE N° 51977
  • HK Audio DFP
  • 2 Trays M20 for LSUB-4000 (A)
  • Connects two M20 bolt masts to a subwoofer L SUB 4000 (A), to create a horizontal cluster of two L5 LTS (A) with a optimal positioning and acoustically homogeneous speaker.
LINEAR5, a series of speakers delivering a high performance sound pressure unusual, and easily combined to create systems suitable for multiple applications.
Accessory Type
 Adaptation plate

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