Electric Guitar Effects

Pedal board with Stomplate model Mooer cover designed to accommodate up to 10 mini pedals. Food and optional supply chain.

ARTICLE N° 50299
  • Stomplate
  • Pedal board Mooer
  • Capacity: 10
  • pedals Velcro provided for fixing
  • pedals Articulated Crankset aluminum
  • Mooer fountain and PDC-8A Recommended
The Stomplate Mini is a pedal foldable aluminum for attaching up to 10 pedals Micro Series. As robust
that light, it is accompanied by a quality carrying case with storage required for cable accessories type patch and power.
The design of the Mini Stomplate scratch and delivered adhesives used to fix the pedals stably while concealing and protecting the cables. For maximum space savings, it is advisable to use the PC-Z Mooer patches that align perfectly Micro Series pedals.
This pedal also allows mixing with other brands, but beware, some pedals quickly invasive due to their sheer size.