Radial - Cube Desktop Adaptor Angle Mount

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Signal Processor Accessories

CUBE adapter with 30 ° angle for insertion into a module cabinet 500.

ARTICLE N° 54506
  • Radial Engineering Cube Desktop Adapter Angle Mount
  • 500 Series
  • CUBE angled adapter for insertion into a cabinet.
Created in fall 1991, the company was initially the Canadian distributor of Mogami cables and Jensen Audio products. In 1992, the business has grown and the company sported the name of JP Cabletek Electronics Ltd. Radial The name was originally used to refer to the brand cables reels and other products by the company. Radial logo also refers within a cable 4 points.
In 1996, the first direct box group was launched: the JDI. This crucial step was decisive for the future. Once the Canadian brand had changed status and became a must in the middle of professional audio. Since the consistent quality of construction, the outstanding audio performance and a highly responsive customer services have enabled Radial register as the best known manufacturer and respected throughout the world.

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