
5 liter canister liquid for the Chauvet Cumulus heavy smoke machine

ARTICLE N° 70852
  • Chauvet LLF5
  • Heavy fog machine fluid
  • Compatible with Chauvet Cumulus machines
  • Water-based formula specially designed for use in Cumulus and Cloud 9 machines
  • Produces a thick, low-lying fog cloud that hugs the ground
  • Leaves no stains or residue when used
  • Non-toxic, non-flammable and unscented product
  • Weight: 5kg
  • Dimensions: 5L bottle
  • Dimensions: 300x180x130
LLF5 is a water-based formula that produces a thick, low-lying fog cloud that hugs the ground. Specifically designed for use in Cumulus, LLF5 will help create continuous clouds that hug the ground and leave no residue. LLF5 is non-toxic, non-flammable and unscented.
Type of liquid
 Water base

User's advice Fluids
LLF5 Chauvet

LLF5 Chauvet

3 User's advice

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NICOLAS B 01/11/2022
  4 /5
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Testé tout au long d’une soirée avec une Cirrus 1000 Boomtone : presque parfait ; il reste bien au sol mais ne se dissipe pas totalement en remontant, mais bon… je pense que cela restera à l’appréciation de chacun en fonction des lieux d’animation.
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GEOFFREY A 16/06/2022
  5 /5
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JEROME P 10/08/2021
  5 /5
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