Guitar Microphone

Micro Low DP 120 - Model One, Single Winding, John Conte Model

ARTICLE N° 19650
  • Micro single coil DP 120 - Model One
  • Magnet: Ceramic
  • Output level: 200
  • Sound Profile: Treble = 7; Mediums = 5; 8 = low
  • Resistance: 11.31
  • A ride with Model Model P or J
  • Position the handle
  • Artists: Billy Sheehan, John Conte
With DP 120 Model One, versatility will seduce you!
 4 drivers
Pickup type
Originally designed to replace Gibson EB, the Model One eventually find their place in the customized bass
The DP 120 coupled to a pickup like the Model P Model J or you will get maximum versatility

Spotlight on

Dimarzio, the number 1 brand for guitar pickups! With Dimarzio, customise your guitar to make it a beast of Rock or Jazz sonorities!