Guitar Microphone

Micro Humbucker, Steve Vai, DP 215 BK - EVO 2

ARTICLE N° 19275
  • Micro Humbucker DP 215 BK - EVO 2
  • Steve Vai dp215
  • Magnet: Ceramic
  • Output level: 375
  • Sound Profile: Treble = 6; Mediums = 7.5; Low = 6
  • Resistance: 12.81
  • Easel Position
  • A ride with Evolution handle, Paf Joe, Fred
  • Artist: Steve Vai
Micro from a Steve Vai closely with for a flawless result.
Evolution is a well known micro soloists for its ability to be heard in a mix cutting knife. But Steve Vai DiMarzio has requested a new micro that would keep the main sound identity of Evolution uses it for years, but more versatile.
The Evo 2 is a very interesting micro, as it combines a sound of great harmonic richness and a relatively high output level, but with the game clears the volume knob. Also the sound is less aggressive than the evolution in acute and more present in the media.
It also reacts much more finely to attack. A success.

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