Accessories and Micro Stands

Battery drums microphones to Fasteners

ARTICLE N° 26736
  • Fasteners microphone for toms and snare.
  • With their small size and robustness, these attachments on cerclage are the ideal support for your toms and snare mics:
  • Compact.
  • Installation and easy disassembly.
  • Protection of metal and insulation of noise and shock by absorbing rubber

User's advice Accessories and Micro Stands
PRO CLAMPS (la pièce) Prodipe

PRO CLAMPS (la pièce) Prodipe

3 User's advice

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PHILIPPE B 10/03/2021
  4 /5
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Un peu difficile à monter
0 0 report
OLIVIER L 26/04/2017
  5 /5
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parfait maintien
0 0 report
MIKEL C 29/11/2016
  4 /5
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Bien conçu à part une limitation dans les possibilités d'orientation du micro (sm 57), angle et distance. Mais le son est bon, pas de bruit parasite.
0 0 report

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